Gives Coaches the Clarity, Confidence, & Focus to Go from “Stuck” to Scaling

Gives Coaches the Clarity, Confidence, & Focus to Go from “Stuck” to Scaling
You can have all the training, templates, and technology in your hands, but if your mindset is in a “stuck” place of self-sabotage, self-doubt, and overwhelm then you’ll never move forward. . . no matter how hard you try.

Let’s fix that.
My breakthrough Impact with Clarity program helps you skip the rabbithole of endless self improvement to tap into your true genius so you can find your why, connect with your ideal coaching client, and build from a place of confidence that comes from deep alignment.
USD $197

What Coaches Say About Impact with Clarity
“This is an amazing program. I love that it’s quick and includes simple to understand videos and exercises. Oh, and did I mention that I LOVE the workbook. Beautifully designed and well thought out. Anyone who buys this is going to be hungry for more AND will be so much further advanced on the continuum and ready to join IWI.”
Tammy Lowes
(Perryville, Missouri)
“This program felt like taking a journey deep within myself and then along side my ideal clients. I have never felt more clear about my messaging and who I help and more importantly WHY I do what I do. It was like Impact With Influence Orange Juice from Concentrate”
Giovanna Capozza
(Bolton, Ontario)
“Impact With Clarity is very inspiring, It’s a powerful process to help you grow your superpowers and unlock your full potential. If you can’t afford Impact with Influence yet, but you’re dying to work with Geeta and get a piece of her wisdom, this course will help you take the next best step to reach your goals as a coach and as an entrepreneur.”
Hinda Es-Sadiqi
(Montreal, Canada)
Imagine a Life Without the Self-Sabotage and “Stuckness” Holding You Back
Hi, my name is Geeta Nadkarni, and I help coaches, consultants, and course creators get unstuck so they can create the impactful, influential, and income-generating businesses of their dreams.
No matter where the “stuckness” is in your life and business.
- Whether it’s being broke . . .
- Whether it’s charging more for what you do. . .
- Whether it’s figuring out what it is you do best . . .
- Whether it’s feeling trapped in a never-ending spiral of self
This program will help you identify and then move past what’s holding you back using real, hands-on tools that have proven to WORK for coaches in your shoes.
After all, if you can’t coach yourself past blocks, how are you supposed to do it with clients?
USD $197

Here’s What This Means For You and Your Coaching Business...
The most impactful and high earning coaches share ONE key element. . .
They have deep clarity.

- They know their WHY.
- They know their WHO.
- They know their WHAT.
And then they wrap all of that knowing into a premium, high ticket coaching program that feels so aligned with their vision that selling it is almost effortless.
As a result, they’re able to attract a steady stream of “soulmate” coaching clients who are EAGER and READY to work with them at 4-figure or 5-figure price tags.
And I know, you may be thinking, “That’s great, Geeta, but I’m not [so and so]. . .”
And you’re right, you’re not! Which is great, because you have a unique gift to bring to the table to give a certain type of client a very specific and POWERFUL transformation.
But here’s the truth, friend:
This kind of business-growing clarity doesn’t happen by accident.
You don’t just wake up from your stuckness and go, “Those money blocks! Pff. Gone!”
Your Ego won’t allow it.
But when you’re guided to examine the beliefs that are holding you back and given a reliable method for replacing them (without the need for years of “healing”), you can achieve momentum that previously seemed impossible. #askmehowiknow
Here are some of the breakthroughs awaiting you:
- Communicate the real transformation and confidently charge what your coaching is WORTH
- Easily get deeper and more lasting transformation for clients
- Effortlessly develop messaging which SELLS without being salesy

This kind of business-growing clarity doesn’t happen by accident.
USD $197
Impact with Clarity:
The Powerful Mindset Clearing Jumpstart
for Early Stage Coaches Who Are Ready to Grow
There are no shortage of gurus out there flogging strategies that seem to contradict each other. What you need to focus on is your internal compass – the decision-making matrix that will help you create what’s right for you. Skipping this step puts you on a never-ending treadmill of confusion, overwhelm and squirrel syndrome. Learning this makes EVERY other business-building purchase you’ve made work better.
And Get Instant Access!

Here’s Everything You’re Getting in This Coaches-Only Mindset & Marketing Program
There are opportunities all around you to grow and get unstuck. . .but you won’t see them if you’re trapped in a wounded state. This module breaks you free and gives you tools to jump into your visionary “Creator” mode whenever you need to, on whatever issue comes up in your life or business.
Many visionary entrepreneurs struggle with “squirrel syndrome,” hopping from one idea to the next. This module helps you use the tension between conflicting beliefs to drive your creativity in a way that serves, rather than sabotages, your growth.
Why are you a coach, anyway? In this module, we’ll explore your deep, powerful WHY. Chances are, connecting what you do to your deeper vision is what you need to eradicate any fatigue you’re experiencing.
You can’t develop a program or launch marketing if you don’t know who your client is at their deepest level. This module will connect you with your ideal client so your messaging and offer are more attractive.
You know you need to raise your prices, but how much should you charge? And how can you make your pricing feel like a no-brainer – even for clients who are used to paying you less? We’ll explore that in Module 5.
Impact with Clarity Workbook
(sold separately)
Impact with Clarity comes with an 80 page printable Impact with Clarity Workbook with sample exercises to bust you through stuckness as well as bonus (free) training not included in the main program to help you shift from learning to execution.
USD $197
YES, I want Impact with Clarity!
Here’s How You’ll Benefit as a Growing Coach, Consultant, or Course Creator...

Get Unstuck so You Can Connect with that Visionary, Creative Part of You
You can have all the tools in the world but if you can’t make use of them, what’s the point? Impact with Clarity gives you proven tools to getting unstuck in every area of your life. Learning how these tools work will make you a significantly more effective coach - both to yourself and to your clients

Transmute discomfort to joy
Growing an impactful 6-figure or 7-figure business doesn’t have to create burnout. In fact, growing your awareness of your patterns and having tools to move past them without needing to spend an eternity “healing” is what’s really required to transcend the barriers you’re currently up against. If you get more energy from creating than fixing problems, this is for you.

Ground Yourself in Your Why
If you’ve ever felt burnt out or like you’re sacrificing too much, it’s not because you’re not capable or strong enough. It’s because your bigger why isn’t juicy enough to have the gravity that’s going to propel you forward even when you want to give up. Trying to change the world using willpower is like trying to row across the ocean using a teaspoon. You might make it, but chances are doubt will drown you. Impact with Clarity helps you uncover your compelling, irresistible WHY.

Align With Who You Serve as a Coach, Consultant, or Course Creator
You’ll never succeed in your marketing or selling if you don’t know EXACTLY who you serve best as a coach, consultant, or course creator. Impact with Clarity gets you deep clarity on who you serve and where their mindset is right now, so you can reach them more effortlessly no matter what marketing channel you use or what program you’re selling.

Elevate Your Pricing So You Can Expand Your Impact
You know you need to charge more, but how do you break free of money blocks holding you back? Impact with Clarity not only shows you how to break free, but gives you the tools you need to figure out EXACTLY how to price your program, course, or service in a way which makes everyone say “heck yes!”
How Impact with Clarity Breaks You Free
The self help industry has inadvertently led people to believe that absolute healing is a prerequisite for success. So our focus tends to be on “fixing” rather than creating – which is exhausting.
Impact with Clarity gives you some powerful, proven tools to start exploring what gets you stuck, what makes you feel creative, and what you REALLY want for your life, relationships, and coaching business.
The result?
Clarity, confidence, and forward momentum. Without having to be “fixed” in any way. The healing (like cashflow) becomes a byproduct of creation.
YES, I want Impact with Clarity!Â

Who Impact with Clarity Helps Most
My breakthrough on-demand Impact with Clarity program is for early or middle stage coaches, consultants, and course creators who have a passion for helping people and a bigger purpose for their business. It’s for those who want some help getting their mindset and pricing straight, but who can’t yet afford to join our main premium Impact with Influence pogram.
Impact with Clarity is for you if…
- You’re a Coach, Consultant, or Course Creator Who Wants to Stop Feeling STUCK.
Whether you’ve been in business for 10 years or 10 days, you’ve probably hit a roadblock. Maybe you’ve built everything and you can’t hit “launch.” Maybe you keep changing your business name or your branding. Or maybe, “nothing” is working despite serious investment but you aren’t sure why. Impact with Clarity helps uncover the SOURCE of your stuckness so you can get out of your own way.
- You’re a Coach, Consultant, or Course Creator Who Can’t “Pick a Lane” with Their Niche.
Many entrepreneurs are like squirrels; we hop from one idea to the next, hoping that the next idea will be “the one.” Truth is, friend, that you won’t feel good about your business until you dig deeper into your why and feel good about YOU. You won’t feel good until you stop playing from a wounded state and start playing from a creative, intuitive state. Impact with Clarity gets you there. It’s where all lasting results come from.
- You’re a Coach, Consultant, or Course Creator Who Struggles with Marketing and Sales.
Chances are, you’re amazing at what you do. . . but no one knows it. YET. With Impact with Clarity, you’ll begin to work through your fears of being seen and being vulnerable so you can play full out in your life and business. You’ll learn how to go from “stuck and scared” to creative and trusting in your intuition.
- You’re a Coach, Consultant, or Course Creator Who WANTS to Charge More…
But Can’t.You know you need to charge more, but something’s holding you back. Maybe it’s a fear that you’re not good enough or a fear that no one will pay what your work is worth. Impact with Clarity helps you let those fears go so you can step into higher income brackets with your coaching, consulting, or course-based business. And we do it with simple, logical thought exercises – not just rah-rah fluffery that doesn’t feel good in your bones.

Geeta’s Biography
Geeta Nadkarni was born curious (as are we all). Her gift is that she figured out how to monetize that curiosity very early on and connect people to their deepest truth. She got her first paid writing gig at age 12 and now, in her 40s, as the founder of ImpactwithInfluence.com, she has helped coaches and infopreneurs all over the world grow 6- and 7-figure businesses without sacrificing freedom, family time or integrity. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, CBC, CNN, ABC, Reader’s Digest and she has been a contributor to Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Inc and more.
She is the author of How to Live Your Vision: Manifest your dream reality in less than 15 minutes a day and the upcoming The Power of Ponder: How to gain confidence in your intuition and become the teacher you’re searching for.