16k Case Study

She writes brand stories and helps both people and companies draw out their core essence, put words to it and generate conversions like no one else can do.

Her price point was… (you ready)?


And some of her clients were on payment plans.

Fast forward a couple of months working through Impact with Influence. $16,000 in sales. In one day. Before noon.

In this video, my client Michelle walks you through how she did it. And not only that…

It was cash from a client who’s an ideal fit for the magic she makes… and it felt EFFORTLESS.

If you’ve been feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, then listen to Michelle’s advice on the first step you must take to break out of this state.

This is a simple breakdown of what you’ll find in this video:

– How Michelle stopped trading hours for dollars and started attracting the right type of clients

– How Michelle got past her guilt and shame on pricing and how, once she started working with us, she increased her prices every single time she offered her services.

– The reason why Michelle was stuck trading hours for dollars. And the simple tip that got her out of this hamster wheel.

– “I can’t imagine NOT working with you” is what Michelle’s clients keep saying… and you can learn how to get YOUR clients to say and feel the same way.

– Although she was constantly getting clients, she had no control over how it happened.. Listen to how she moved from a word-of-mouth model to a reliable, repeatable, and predictable client-attraction process.

– There’s a fundamental law no expert can escape… the exact reason why Michelle was able to experience such powerful change after getting our help.

– Most experts focus on the ground-level tactics and techniques to get more clients and make more money… but the TRUTH is you gotta go deeper. Find out what this means and why, if you don’t do this hard but beautiful work, you’ll spend the rest of your business life stuck.

– If you can’t do this one simple thing, it won’t matter what kind of funnels you use… what you say in your videos… how much you charge… nothing.

You have to give yourself permission to be more you (which happens to be Michelle’s tagline that we helped her come up with 🙂

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