Geeta Nadkarni
Geeta Nadkarni is a veteran journalist and performer with more than 25 years experience in the mainstream media. As the founder of ImpactwithInfluence.com, she has helped coaches and info-preneurs all over the world grow 6- and 7-figure businesses without sacrificing freedom, family time or integrity. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, CBC, CNN, ABC, Reader’s Digest and she has been a contributor to Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Inc and more.
Patrice Blain
Pat has the best job on the team. He gets to tell everyone what they should be doing. As the glue that holds the intricacies of the tech and people together, Pat is the guy that everyone calls will the doodoo hits the fan. He is happiest when solving a problem, improving an existing system, or playing Pinball (not necessarily in that order).
Pat is also our Brand Director, which means he’s in charge of all graphic elements from the website and book covers to videos and photography. He brings his 15+ years in broadcast television experience to our in-house video and audio production and livestreams, and can spend many joyful hours picking the perfect tune or visual element for a project. When not at work, Pat enjoys running, spinning, tickling his two kids and… did we mention Pinball?